Inaugural Mass by Archbishop Leopoldo Girelli, Apostolic Nuncio |
 Inaugural lighting of the lamp |
 Welcome by Sr. Elsa Muttathu, PBVM, CRI National Secretary |
 Dignitaries at the Inaugural Session |
 Session by Sr. Nirmalini AC |
 Session by Ms. Grace David |
 Session by Bro. Sunil Britto CFC |
 Witnessing Life - Sacredness, Beauty, Pain and Mystery of life |
 Session by Bro. Varghese Theckanath SG |
 Spiritual Conversations in groups |
 Session by Sr. Alba Rodriguez, PBVM |
 National Assembly Delegates |
 Report by CRI National Secretary - Sr Elsa Muttathu PBVM |
 Regional Reports by the Secretaries |
 Open Forum - Amendment to the Statutes |
 Sectional Gathering of Brothers |
 Elected Office Bearers of Priests Section 2024 |
 Office Bearers of Sisters Section 2024 |
 Felicitating the new National President Rev. Fr. Saju Chackalackal CMI |
 Appreciation to the outgoing National President Rev. Sr. Maria Nirmalini AC |
 Appreciation to the outgoing National Vice President Rev. Fr. Thomas Thekkel, CMI |
 Appreciation to the Outgoing Executive Members |
 Handing Over of Brothers Section by Bro. T. Amalan FSC the out going Vice-President |
 Handing Over of Priests' Section by Fr. Thomas Thekkel CMI |
 Appreciation to the Outgoing Executive members of Sisters Section |
 Fr. Saju Chackalackal CMI, New CRI President |
 Integration through Music and body movements led by Sr Alba Rodriguez, PBVM |
 Andhra-Telegana Region CRI Members at National Assembly |